Saturday, May 29, 2010

Welcome...IF YOU DARE!!!

"Good evenday! As you should no doubt be aware since I'm CERTAIN you read the sidebar to your RIGHT (Hinty-Hint-HINT!!!), I am your humble host, Dr. Grimm!"

And I - ever present whether I like it or not - am Leroy Hart, that Doctor's Herald and Official Transcriber. Dr. Grimm does not DO his own writing, ladies and gentlemen; he views it as beneath him.

"Indeed. What may, or MAY NOT, occur within this Weblog of mine creation will be my personal reviews of the goings-on in your World, most specifically the glorious art form of Comic Books! I adore these tomes and transcripts of Super heroics and their sinister counterparts infinitely, since it appears that in your Universe (AS YOU KNOW IT! OR DO YOU?!) they are the only way to view their actions. I have been stranded here from an Alternate World, a misguided attempt on my part to explore other Realms such as yours (I blame you people, of course)!"

He honestly likes the people, animals, and most inanimate objects of what he has dubbed 'Earth-Pretty-Neat', and I assure you I said that of my own free will, and that just now was most certainly NOT supposed to be left up to your interpretation. Neither was that. Or that. (Sire, may I please stop now?)

"Despite being of unparallelled Power and Brilliance, I am fully aware of the so-called 'Comic Book Blogosphere' on this Internet of Earth-Pretty-Neat, and am going to be outright about my intentions to appeal to those Members and their Legion of fans and followers! I am not JUST a Doctor with an Advanced Degree in Paranormal-Crypto Psychology with a Masters in Supernatural-Interstellar Cosmology (took me just SIX years study at The Great Yon'Tann Strange Academy to BOOT!!!), but am myself an artist - a beginner, I will humbly admit before my peers - however, by painting a portrait of your World as I see it, this bestows me with the Great Power to draw for you images of my own! Not only that, my soon-to-be Loyal Grimmies, I will write for you their stories, the Amazing Tales of TRUE Super-Heroics that really, honestly happened...In a place not far from here, just beyond a thin veil of Space-Time, and a blanket of Anti-Matter (it's really, really cool you guys. I mean it)".

Master, I don't really think that's going to cut it, if I may speak so freely---

"YOU MAY NOT!!! But do go on..."

*Ahem* That is, anyone who may stumble incoherently onto this Blog might require proof, Sir, that you've really seen an ENTIRELY UNSEEN WORLD populated by SUPERHEROES!

"Oh, they require PROOF do they?! SO BE IT!!! I give you my first Masterpiece, the cover to what shall be my first glorious WEB-COMIC PRESENTATION!!!"

OPHION-7: SAVE US! (click for Champion Size!)

"The War between the Superheroes of my World and the Evil forces of Veni Vidi Vicci did not end well for the Good-Guys; Vicci became Emperor of the entire planet and the memory of the Superheroes was wiped from the minds of the entire population (but I tell you, had I not been transported HERE, I would have shown him what-for!). However, humanity has a habit of surviving against the odds, and a small band of rebels with advanced intelligence - calling themselves The Gathering Of Guerrilla Geniuses - freed themselves and a sizable band of human slaves and built a secret headquarters underneath the ruined Statue Of Liberty in New York. Over the years, the Geniuses constructed incredible machines from stolen technology capable of birthing them a Savior; combining cloning, gene-splicing, and the harnessed energy of a Solar Flare, a hopeful light in the sea of vast darkness was born! The Champion...OPHION!!!"

I believe that will do, Sire. I know I couldn't personally ask for a better introduction!

"One dire problem with that, Herald Leroy..."

What's that?

"Nobody ASKED you! Ha-HA-HA-Ha!!!"

You know, I willingly walked right into that, really not wanting to believe you'd actually GO there.

"Do not ever underestimate my willingness to go places, Herald Leroy, ESPECIALLY there".

Duly noted, Dr. Grimm.

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